Holy Moses, Palin’s in the Torah

The choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be the one-heartbeat-away running mate for Republican John McCain was not just throwing another hat into the political ring. No, this was a hunk of red meat, Red Heifer over moose flesh, for the hungry religious right to savor. Here was a born-again Pentecostal who overnight transformed the gambling non-Christian (just ask James Dobson before the epiphany) Navy war hero into a respectable church elder. The apocalyptic baggage of Palin’s Assemby of God church raised more than a few eyebrows outside the red-faced Bible Belt. If she became Vice-President (or President) would God finally let Satan unleash the Tribulation, killing off hundreds of thousands of Jews and millions of unborn-again Americans? What better place to hold out in caves and read those KJV blood-soaked Bibles than in Alaska, where the remaining believers could actually see Gog across the Being Strait? If Sarah Palin’s oil pipeline, like the Iraq War, was something the Redneck State God wanted, then surely Senator Obama is a perfect fit for the Antichrist.

But wait, it gets better than what the Prophet Daniel had to say about the Day of Jacob’s Trouble and the Apostle Paul predicted so rapturously about the Second Coming of Jesus. Now we know that Sarah Palin got onto the GOP ticket because it was predicted in the Torah. Move over De Vinci and make room for Josephus. Here is what the Ark of the Covenant Code says abut Election o8:


Sarah Palin is found in the matrix below near the word for President. McCain is on the matrix, touching the phrase And he shall rule over you. Also on the matrix is a possible reference to her giving birth, including to a child with Down Syndrome, as we see the phrase In Pain shall you bring forth children. This matrix is wrapped Torah, requiring more one computer pass by CodeFinder software. There are other possible transliterations for Palin and for McCain. The matrix was found immediately after her selection as McCain’s running mate. No overall probability or significance is yet assigned to it, however the probability to find the word for President in the open text so close to her name on any matrix is about .0178 or one chance in 56 (see David Roffman’s study and also my page on the 2008 Election). Palin is also encoded at a higher than expected frequency with Israel. The Codes seem to be, in part, linked to a kind of blessing or curse effect for those who have their name at an ELS, but if Palin’s name was deliberately encoded, the matrix may mean that G-d has chosen to reward her courage and religious convictions (as was evident with her decisions to have a Down Syndrome child and to allow her daughter to have a baby). Indeed, she may be rewarded not just with the Vice Presidential nomination, but even with the Presidency at some future time. As an Orthodox Jew, let me state my non-scientific personal view here. I strongly endorse John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Holy Moses, if Palin’s in the Torah, even the Pope can’t save Joe Biden in tonight’s debate…

Luke R. E. Publican