Category Archives: Aden

Aden in the mid-19th Century

James Vaughn, a physician stationed in British-controlled Aden in the mid-19th century, published an article in 1853 in the British Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions (12:226-229,385-388), which is available online. After discussing several medicinal and local exports, such as incense, dragon’s blood, and local dye plants from Yemen and from Somalia, he admonishes his colleagues back in England to do serious study of the botanical wealth of Yemen. I attach his comments below as they are still relevant a century and a half later…

Joseph Osgood in Aden: 2

Joseph Osgood was a Black American sailor who visited the Yemeni port of Aden about a dozen years before the start of the American Civil War. He offers a rich, descriptive account, including information on the coffee cargo that may have brought his ship to this Red Sea port in the first place. You can read the book online here. I attach excerpts on his visit to Aden. This is part 2. For Part 1, click here.

Joseph Osgood in Aden: 1

Joseph Osgood was a Black American sailor who visited the Yemeni port of Aden about a dozen years before the start of the American Civil War. He offers a rich, descriptive account, including information on the coffee cargo that may have brought his ship to this Red Sea port in the first place. You can read the book online here. I attach excerpts on his visit to Aden.

more to come

Proxy Morons

Since the start of the Saudi-led Decisive Storm campaign in Yemen, I have published two commentaries on the blog of the Center for Middle East Studies at Lund University and three interviews on The Real News. While the situation is changing daily, seemingly for the worse each day, I note these commentaries here:

Lund Blog:
Proxy Morons: The Demolition of Yemen ( March 27

Sliding Towards a Virtual Genocide in Yemen ( April 13

The Real News:
Proxy Morons: The Demolition of Yemen (3/1) April 4

Proxy Morons: The Demolition of Yemen (3/2) April 12

Proxy Morons: The Demolition of Yemen (3/3) April 13