Googling in Arabic (sort of)

Let’s say you really do not know the Arabic language, but you want to Google in Arabic. Where there is a linguistic will, there is a digital way. Now you can simply turn to Yamli, a Google-like engine that allows you to type in English, choose the relevant Arabic term and search Arabic sites. There are other sites as well. So I typed in “mawt” and up popped the Arabic word for death. The problem is that the sites chosen are actually in Arabic, so what good does it do to search when the sites themselves cannot be read?

Feeling naughty rather than depressed about the meaning of life, I poked in the Arabic word “zubb” (a term for members only) and right there at the top (and over the top) was سكس نار وبس اقوى منتدى سكس, a bounce site for a host of pornographic sites not in Arabic. My suggestion is that if you do not know Arabic, you might want to just leave the surfing for those who do. Those who do have Google Arabic.