Obama, Running for Antichrist?

Political candidates attract mud and the current presidential marathon on the Democratic side is no exception. Several conservative hit men have emphasized Obama’s Muslim middle name, Hussein, and used their rather pathetic poetic license to rhyme (without reason) Obama and Osama. Already relegated to the status of an urban legend, the smear tactic that Senator Obama is a mixed Muslim/Atheist still resonates in parts of rural America, no doubt among those white out-of-work blue collar men who think Hillary used to be a short-order cook.

But the image of a stealth Muhammadan running for President is outdone on the lunatic apocalyptic fringe of the Christian far-right by Dana Smith’s recent speculation about Barack Obama as the Antichrist. Here is the lead-in on the Raiders News Network:

People are swooning, falling headlong on the floor, while he speaks. Does Hillary get this reaction? An emphatic no is the answer! It seems today that from every corridor the people are talking about this. Is Obama the man? Is he the Anti Christ? Is he this or that? The truth is society is ready for the man of sin mentioned in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. But is Obama the man? The real verdict on that will be out until the end of his term. One thing for sure, his reign, if he is elected will be during a tremendously prophetic time on the calendar. All things are set for the uprising of the ‘man of perdition’.

I have been in many meetings with top notch spirit filled speakers. I have seen people literally fall on the floor from the meeting environment. Is it any wonder than people today can do the same thing in Obama’s meetings? When the hysteria is on, the people crowding together, and the high pitch excitement, people can literally faint dead away. This does make good theatre for Obama as this helps elevate the sociological fervor among the people…

We are entering into Morass of Prophetic times, the time when a voice from every corner of the world, religious spectrum, and even Christianity itself has an idea of what is coming. This is the time, not to listen to men, nations, religions, and other Gods, but to the Lord himself. We must be discerner of the times and understand what is going on. We must discern the Word of God, rightly dividing it, and watching the times in which we live. We are not to get carried away like the masses do. Jesus warned us of those who in the end times would follow the many deceivers that claim to be Jesus Christ, appearing as ‘angels of light’ and establishing them as the answer to mans problems. Such a man is coming, let us consider all things and keep watching the prophetic stage. For it is set, the play of the end times is about to begin, and those who trust in America, Obama, or any thing other than Jesus Christ will be deceived, period.

There have been thousands of Antichrist candidates throughout history and no doubt many more to come. But Obama is not alone. Bill and Hillary also fit the bill in other Antichrist scenarios, for example,

Further, Daniel 2 and 7 and Revelation 17 reveal that the 10 leaders who conspire to accumulate all the power of the world to themselves for the express purpose of handing it over to Antichrist, will be of the same spiritual nature as he. This means each of the 10 leaders will be Black Magick practitioners. Since NAFTA is Nation #1 in the 10-Nation New World Order Reorganization Plan, and Bill Clinton is its undisputed leader, he must be expected to be a Black Magick practitioner. We believe we have now proven that point.

But just when you thought it was safe to vote Republican, beware the loony tunes of March: John McCain is also a prime suspect, even without Rush’s prodding:

John McCain as an antichrist

That’s right. He armed the Kosovo Liberation Army (Muslim terrorists) against the Christian Serbs, therefore he is an antichrist who helped martyr members of the body of Christ.

Are you wishing Huckabee had pulled out a miracle? Well, his name is route 666, even if it does not lead to the White House this time around.

Thinking about wasting your vote again for Ralph Nader? Guess what? Nader shares the apocalyptic spotlight as yet another Antichrist. Surely Ron Paul can be voted for on the Libertarian party ticket, but shucks, Youtube brands him Antichrist as well.

So what is a conscientious and patriotic American voter to do? George Bush can’t run again, but then again he has his Antichrist trappings as well. Al Gore, no way; he’s as 666 as they come.

So here is my suggestion. It seems like just about everyone out there could be the Antichrist. So on November election day I suggest you look into the mirror long and hard. If you do not see the number 666 branded on your forehead, vote for yourself as a write in. What else can you do? Will the country really suffer for it?

Luke R.E. Publican