Monthly Archives: January 2008

Resurrecting Empire in Iraq

By Rashid Khalidi, Columbia University

The United States, and the world, now faces a situation of unprecedented difficulty in Iraq. There is deep resentment among Iraqis, including those grateful for the overthrow of the Ba’th regime, at the months of chaos in Iraq since the end of the war, at the unresponsiveness of the American occupation authorities, and at the slow pace of the move toward genuine self-government. American troops increasingly risk being received as are most occupation armies, and as were the British in Iraq after World War I: with hostility and ultimately with widespread armed resistance. The paralysis of the American authorities in Baghdad, which reflects the paralysis in Washington, as the administration’s factions struggle over decisions in Iraq, and the inflexible, highly ideological, and ultimately self-defeating line that has generally prevailed, have exacerbated the situation. Reliance on Pentagon-favored exiles loathed by most Iraqis, who see them as carpetbaggers, has already hurt the position of the United States in Iraq, an may lead to an even worse situation there when the inevitable backlash against their machinations sets in. This is only the tip of the iceberg, as is manifest from reporting in the non-American media on the situation on the ground in Iraq, one whose gravity has not been fully reflected in the American media—although American casualties in Iraq, and lengthy deployments of both regulars and reservists finally seem to be having an impact on American public opinion. Continue reading Resurrecting Empire in Iraq

Better Luck Next Year, Osama

There was a time when Osama Bin Laden owned the audio and video- hungry airwaves. Each new tape brought out the usual talking heads and whetted the non-stop talking lips of the cable newstalker hosts. Could it be a fake? Does he look healthy? Where could he be? But these days the world’s number one bearded terrorist might as well be living in the Stone Age, cave or no cave for an address. Last year, may it rest in peace, Bin Laden released five new tapes, more than Beyonce and the Dixie Chicks combined (not that they would mix that well). The last message came in under the radar of the newswire at year’s end. As reported in yesterday’s The Guardian, this time the target is fellow Sunnis in Iraq who are working with the American forces. They join the Saudi regime, which Bin Laden has similarly damned as apostates headed for hell. Continue reading Better Luck Next Year, Osama