Category Archives: Islam in Europe

Much Ado about Something Rotten in Denmark


Left: Miniature of Muhammed re-dedicating the Black Stone at the Kaaba. From Jami Al-Tawarikh, by Rashid Al-Din, 1324. Edinburgh University Library, ms. 20, fol. 55. Date: 1324-1585. Arabian (Mecca). Right: Norwegian newspaper showing the Danish cartoons (posted on al-Jazira).

Hamlet: ‘By heaven, I’ll make a ghost of him that lets me!– I say, away!–Go on; I’ll follow thee.’ [Exeunt Ghost and Hamlet.]

Horatio: ‘He waxes desperate with imagination.’

Marcellus: ‘Let’s follow; ’tis not fit thus to obey him.’

Horatio: ‘Have after.–To what issue will this come?’

Marcellus: ‘Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.’

Horatio: ‘Heaven will direct it.’

From Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” (I, iv)

By now the whole world knows about a controversial set of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad. Published in a major Danish newspaper (Jyllands-Posten), the images are rotten to the core to many Muslims. The rotting has been going on since last September, when the images were first printed, in part as a challenge to find Danish artists not afraid to caricature Muhammad as they have Jesus and other prophets in the past. As an illustration of how fast this story is developing in cyberspace, check out the post on Wi[c]k[ed]ipedia.

No matter what you think of the humor in the drawings, the current situation is no fun for anyone. The outrage of many Muslims worldwide has boiled over in the past few weeks to a remarkable escalation not seen since the days of Rushdie’s Satanic Verses. There has been an economic boycott of Danish products, resulting in the
loss of millions of dollars in sales to the Middle East. Some Danish embassies have been closed. Flags have been burnt. An Iraqi insurgent group has called for attacks on the small contingent of Danish troops fighting with the coalition. Republication of the cartoons in Norwegian and French newspapers has led to an ever wider frenzy about a Western conspiracy to defame Islam.

Continue reading Much Ado about Something Rotten in Denmark

A Grave Development

The tension over the now infamous, even if not very funny, Danish cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad has taken on a grave dimension, specifically the desecration of a number of Muslim graves in western Denmark. There are two lessons that immediately come to mind about this latest twist, but first the story as reported in The Washington Post:

Vandals in Denmark Strike Muslim Graves
By Kevin Sullivan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, February 13, 2006; Page A16

COPENHAGEN, Feb. 12 — About 25 Muslim graves in western Denmark were vandalized late Saturday night, bringing swift condemnation from Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen as tensions simmer from a Danish newspaper’s publication last year of cartoons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

“I strongly condemn this disgraceful act, and I deeply regret the desecration of Muslim graves,” Rasmussen said in a statement released by his office Sunday night. “I have made it clear that the Danish government condemns any expression or any action which offends people’s religious feelings.” Continue reading A Grave Development

A Sad Tale of Two Cities

For almost two weeks the nights in parts of Paris and other cities in France have belonged to rioters, who seem intent on taking out parked cars (more than 6000 at last count) rather than fellow French citizens. Then tonite flames rose from three luxury hotels in Amman, Jordan with scores dead in the early reports. Although the blasts in Amman occurred in heavily touristed hotels, they are venues just as frequented by well-to-do Jordanians. In the Raddison a suicide bomber apparently set himself off in the midst of a Jordanian wedding. Continue reading A Sad Tale of Two Cities