So who is the best Muslim? Here is a debate between a Salafi and a Wahhabi. Guess who wins and guess who loses. (In a way we all lose in this kind of debate.)
So who is the best Muslim? Here is a debate between a Salafi and a Wahhabi. Guess who wins and guess who loses. (In a way we all lose in this kind of debate.)
Political cartoons can be a cause for genuine laughter (not like the infamous Danish cartoon controversy). There were quite a few that appeared during the Egyptian protests, but this is my favorite.
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One of the central claims of feminist theory, post Second Sex, is that gender is inevitably a political issue. It would seem that this point has won converts from all sides.
Today’s BBC News has a story with the headline “Does Islam have a sense of humour?” This is the kind of question that makes me want to cry. “Islam”, like any religion, will “have” whatever people read into it. For a Christian or Hindu apologist just about everything that Muslims do is “funny” in the sense of being different and looked down upon, although it is not funny to non-Muslim fundamentalists when Muslims practice their faith in ways that are dismissed as violent or antagonistic. Muslims do not generally take their own faith as a joke, unless they are in the Enlightenment-mentored mode of rationalizing away whatever fixed dogma demands about the power of Allah. Islam is not inherently funny, especially to those who practice it, but neither is it opposed to laughter. Humor is a pan-human trait and it is highly contextual. Yes, there are Muslims who have a sense of humor and those who do not. In the real world how could it be otherwise?
The article’s hook-line teaser notes: “Muslims are often depicted as people who can’t take a joke. But as a stand-up comedy tour showcasing Islamic talent arrives in the UK, is that fair?” There is something quite different about looking for a sense of humor in an entire religious tradition compared to observing what individual Muslims do. Continue reading What Makes a A Muslim Laugh?