Afârit on Parade

When I was young, one of the major sci-fi programs on television was Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone. It was fun because it was fiction. Now it seems that fiction has been resurrected as a substitute for reality. I am not talking about the folk who think the children of Adam chummed around with dinosaurs, since both humans and dinosaurs really have existed. And clearly it is not just “one” that has flown over the cuckoo’s nest. The QAnon conspiracy that has government Democrats (and perhaps those Republicans who voted to impeach Trump) having children for lunch (in their favorite pizza restaurant) is quite medieval. Just read the Malleus Maleficarum of five centuries ago and you will see that delicacy on the witch’s menu. And of course Hansel and Gretel would have made a savory feast as would Beanstalk Jack for the ogre. We used to call these fairy tales. It was supposedly good to scare children so they would behave and not eat too much gingerbread.

Then there is Mars. Whether or not the cow jumped over the moon, Martians have long been the fascination of those who look up in the sky and have no clue where the planet is. Martians may have served as the inspiration for the Trump supporters takeover of the capitol; after all it has been done before cinematically. The latest Rover from NASA is now on Mars looking for microbes; the UAE has a spacecraft taking pictures of Mars. Even Turkey wants to extend its political da’wa into space, at least as far as the moon.

So why all this interest in space when there are so many humanitarian and political crises on earth, especially in the Middle East? Just ask the former head of the Israeli Space Program. I do not mean Mel Brooks, who was a bit too spaced out. These are the words of Haim Eshed, who remained silent for years but now is revealing what Israel intelligence, the best in the world, has known for a long time:

“There’s an agreement between the US government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here.”

He explained that the aliens have a base on Mars: “Trump was on the verge of revealing [the aliens’ existence], but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying, ‘Wait, let people calm down first.'”

It is a good thing that Trump did not spill the beans (the same magical ones Jack used for his climb) or we would have to rename his posh residence Mars-a-lago.

It was reported earlier this week that Senator Ted Cruz was in Cancun to escape the deep state freeze in Texas. But a decoy of him was planted on the United flight. What if Ted Cruz is really a Martian agent and he had made a brief trip to Mars to brief his superiors before they reveal themselves? This would explain a lot of his behavior and his adoration of Trump. Most people do not know that the word “Maga” is actually the Martian word (yes they use words but they have not evolved sentences yet) for “We are coming for you.” My sources tell me that Trump is actually a Martian robot planted originally in New York, because no one there would have suspected. Just wait until 2024 when all Mars will break loose.

What can I say? Just this: may the farce be with you…